viernes, 30 de agosto de 2019


My name is René Esper Leiva, I'm 18 years old and I'm from Rancagua. I am studyng chemistry and pharmaceutics here at "Universidad de Chile" and it's my first year here.
In the school there in Rancagua I wasn't the best student of English, but I could defend myself in a conversation, but I always had the problem to talk with a good fluency and that's one of the thing I would want to improve this semester at English IV. Another reason I came here is to stay always practicing my English and don't lose the practice. I almost forgot that other thing I'm weak in is in the use of phrases, because I use to repeat a lot certain phrases.
Maybe my strengths here are that I can understand the language and that I can have a simple conversationg with other people, principally because of the school that I came from which really cared that its students learn about that language.
And I think that's all fot today, see you later.

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